भारत जर्नल ऑफ़ साइंस टेक्नोलॉजी एंड हुमानिटीज़

Call for Papers

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Bharat Journal of Science, Technology & Humanities (BJSTH)

(An International Journal for Multidisciplinary fully refereed Journal)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Dr. C.V. Raman University publishes its multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal “BJSTH” in Science, Technology and Humanities with manuscripts and articles covering the chemical, physical, biological and mathematical science as well as also of engineering, arts, commerce, education and management field.

We wish to introduce this journal to the faculty members and research scholar of your institution for the contribution of their article, manuscript and as an individual and institutional subscription, as this journal is specialized journal on research in specific areas. This is a biannual journal which gives platform for dissemination of knowledge and innovation with issues related to various disciplines. All the article published in the journal are doubled blind peer reviewed. The journal has wide circulation across all the major research center and universities across the country. As, today globalization has opened up many possibilities for the citizen of the world which have also created threats to indigenous and minor cultures. So to perpetuate the dependence for everything, the beginning from knowledge production is necessary through research.

Thus, we invite and welcome all the research scholars and faculty member of your institutions to make use of these through their contribution of research article and subscriptions.

We published original and high-quality papers which has numerous benefits all geared towards strengthening research skills and advising academic careers as journal publication is vital part of the academic career advancement. The published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing.

BJSTH welcomes research papers, case studies, survey papers, academic article, scholarly article and extended version of original papers.

We wish our readers an interesting and engaging read.

Looking forward for receiving your submission.


Dr. Ratnesh Tiwari

Dr. Ratnesh Tiwari


Bharat Journal of Science, Technology and Humanities

Dr. C.V.Raman University

Kargi Road, Kota Bilaspur (C.G.)